Thursday 21 January 2016

Litvinenko Inquiry report

The Inquiry into the death of Litvinenko has now reported - Litvinenko Inquiry.

The report , by Sir Robert Owen (retired High Court Judge and the Inquiry Chairman), is detailed and extends to 329 pages.  Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko died on 23rd November 2006 in London.  He had been poisoned by Polonium 210.  Sir Robert concluded that the death was neither accidental nor suicide but that Mr Litvinenko had been poisoned by a Mr Andrey Lugovoy who was probably acting under the direction of the Russian State Security (the FSB).  Sir Robert went on to add that the FSB operation was probably approved by a Mr Nikolai Patrushev (Director of the FSB 1999-2008) and President Putin. Whether any diplomatic (or other) repercussions arise from these findings remains to be seen.

Earlier posts explain how this became an Inquiry as opposed to a Coroner's Inquest - July 2013 - February 2014 - July 2014

The Guardian - Alexander Litvinenko

Statement by Home Secretary Theresa May to the House of Commons

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